Learn to Negotiate

Dear Student, we are in the process of preparing a short negotiation course. It will consist of 6 hybrid sessions (we are planning 3 online and 3 physical, locations t.b.a.). It is a fantastic opportunity to improve your soft skills, as well as get some practical knowledge about negotiation that you can immediately apply in your own life or business.
The course is planned to start on the 24th of April and will last 6 consecutive weeks until May 30th, as we will have sessions each Sunday.
We are in the process of gathering a new cohort of people and all students are encouraged to complete a short registration form via the link: https://forms.gle/gEjbebvt8nREZqGQ8 

Registration deadline: 15th of April.

We look forward to seeing you! 😊

For any additional questions, please contact @dutchnegotiationnetwork via LinkedIn, Instagram or send us an email at info@dutchnegotiationnetwork.nl .”



Apr 24 2022 - May 30 2022


All Day


Voorstraat 60, Delft
Voorstraat 60, Delft